I was not able to contact the person to let them know I could not come, so I prayed, asked God for help, and went to the school. My contact only told me that he wanted me to come join and listen, but when I got there I found out that I was the main speaker. A good pastor friend of mine told me, "If you can sing, have a song in your back pocket. If you can preach, always have a sermon in your back pocket, especially on the mission field.". So I have taken his advise to heart and was glad on Tuesday that I did.
The great thing is that the entire time I spoke God completely took away all of my stomach cramps, nausea, and body aches. I actually felt fine the entire 45 minutes that I spoke. I was astonished at how many kids kept filing in to the class room to which I was speaking. The Bible study is held during their morning break, so the kids have the option to do what they want during this time. By the last 15 minutes of my message the class room was full, kids were standing outside listening and looking in from the windows, the door was clogged with kids and even more standing outside the door trying to listen as well.
It is so encouraging to see how God has prepared the harvest of kids hear to have open minds and hearts. How He has given them a desire to want to hear the Gospel, and to take it to heart. The kids here want to learn, want to know about Jesus, and want to be changed by His grace.
They had asked me to come back this past Thursday, but unfortunately I was in the hospital Wednesday night, and out of commission on Thursday, but hope to go back again next week.
Please continue to pray for the kids as I share the great news of the Gospel with them, that God will plow open their hearts, and as the seeds of the Gospel are sowed, that God will let these seeds take root and make them grow and bring them to repentance of their sin. And by God's grace they will be saved and enter into a personal relationship with God.
Thanks to all of our supporters for allowing us the opportunity to be here to share the Gospel with so many young people in Namibia!
God Bless!
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