Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Gotta go Poopy

OK, we have all laughed at this 4 second video about 50 times already. But I have to tell you why we think it is so funny. Kristen was getting ready to tape my youth choir in church. As she turned the camera on the low battery light came on and she says in the background "Oh Brian!".

The tape was an accident, but the reason it is so funny is because right before she says this you here Corbin say he has to go poopy. The other part that is so funny is Cameron's face. He is smiling at first, then watch is face change as he hears Corbin's poopy comment and Kristen's "Oh Brian".

We watched a couple times before we started to die laughing. So Kristen said we should share it.

1 comment:

Angela Shotwell said...

oh kristen - it does my heart good to hear your voice and picture you guys laughing! even if it was just an "oh brian!"