Thursday, June 18, 2009

Advance 09

June 4th -6th, here in Durham, NC they had a Pastors Conference for the Resurgence of the Church. It was a GREAT conference, with some well known Pastors challenging us in our theological prejudices, our conveying of the gospel, and leading our churches for the glory of God and not for man, and so much more!

Desiring God has posted all of the messages as well as the Q/A panels. I have attached the link here. I am very partial to Pastor John Pipers two messages as he is discussing the need for international missions, so I think you can guess why I am partial to that.

I do hope you get a chance to listen to these over the next week or so, as I think that God will use them to convict you, shake you up, and encourage you in many ways as it did for me and other of my peers that were there also.

Link to Advance09 Messages Here

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