Of course as you may know, Pilgrim's Progress was written by John Bunyan, but this is re-written by Helen Taylor for kids. So I started using it as bed time story reading for our kids. The chapters are very short, usually two-three pages, and I am able to make them in to devotions. The kids LOVE it! Cameron came in last night and was ready to find out what was going to happen next with little Christian.
I would recommend this to any parent with young children. Below is an excerpt that I read to them tonight. As I read it, my eyes started to swell up as it made me visualize what Christ did for us on the cross, and about how big His love is for His children.
Hope you enjoy!
To set up the scene, young Christian is at the house of Interpreter and he is lead down the gentleman's hallway to show him a picture that he has.
It was the picture of a Man whose face was more beautiful than anything that little Christian had ever imagined. He was walking over a mountain path. All around Him, among the rocks, grew briars and thorns, which had torn His garments in many places, and His feet were bleeding, for the rough stones had wounded Him. In His arms He Carried a little lamb. It was tired and had laid its head upon His shoulder, and He was looking down at it with gentle, loving eyes. Underneath the picture, in letters of gold, were written the words:
"Was the lamb lost?" asked little Christian.
"Yes," replied the Interpreter; "lost and ready to die. Do you not see how tired it looks, and how its fleece is torn and soiled? But the Good Shepherd heard its cry, and He never rested until He found it, and then He brought it home in His arms."
"It must have been a hard path," said little Christian. "The stones have cut His feet."
"It was a very hard path, but He did not mind that, because He loved His little lamb. I have shown you this picture first, because the Good Shepherd is our King's own Son, and just as a shepherd loves his flock so He loves the pilgrims. The little pilgrims are like the lambs. You can think of this when you are sad or frightened, and remember who is watching over you."
"I am a little pilgrim," said Christian looking up at the Interpreter.
"A little pilgrim, and a little lamb in the flock of the Good Shepherd."
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