Thursday, March 20, 2008

Praise For Financial Donors

We are so thankful to everyone that has joined our support team. As of today we are at 40% of our monthly support goal, and 50% of our one time goal.

God is so good and faithful and he has chosen you specifically for this purpose and that is to further His kingdom in Namibia.

I spoke with the Pastor of the Church I will work with last week and they are very eager for our arrival and so are the youth. They have had missionaries there for the last few years through AIM (African Inland Mission), but come this December AIM will be relocating their missionaries to other areas in Africa. So we are praying that we will receive the rest of our monthly needs this year so that we can begin our ministry in Grootfontein.

Please continue to keep the Namibians and our family in your prayers.

Many Blessings,


Marc said...

Who is the goofy looking white guy on the right?

Bradsher Family to Namibia said...

I don't know, but I know who the goofy white guys is on the left!

dkhayward said...

We pray for you and your family every Sunday. BTW, we are still at 0% for monthly support--but making great headway in applying to our Church, and other things we have to do. Keep us in your prayers.