Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Training in Union Mills, NC

Yesterday Cameron and I arrived to CIT, a Christian Missions Training
Center in Union Mills, NC. Have any idea where that is? Neither do we,
all I know is that we are in the middle of no where somewhere an hour
and a half west of Winston-Salem.

We made it through our firstday. I survived the classes all day, and Cameron survived the day care.He had more fun than I did, and even got a 2 hour nap this afternoon.

This is my only week of training by myself, the rest of the training we will go as a family unit.

This week I am learning how to communicate effectively in a multi-cultural environment and learning the do's and dont's of different cultures. And boy are some of them very different from ours.

Only one day in, but it is going quite well.

Serving Christ,

Brian Bradsher


Anonymous said...

We're praying for you Brian! Hope Kristen made it there tonight okay too.

Dave Bradsher said...

Dear Brian
We do not know each other but we are probably distant relatives by blood and brothers by THE Blood. I stumbled on your blog spot and was overjoyed to read about yet another member of the Bradsher clan that is serving Jesus. I was just tickled to also discover that you embrace good reformed theology! I am a pastor in the PCA and a graduate of RTS Orlando. Though we dont know each other right now, I hope that can change and I would like to keep you and your beautiful family in prayer as you undergo training to serve the Kingdom in Africa. My email is dave.bradsher@gmail.com. Oh, and my brother's name is Brian so that was the third thing that got me.

Blessings in Jesus
Dave Bradsher