Monday, July 12, 2010

Taking it to The Streets (Update)

In May I had written about how God was leading me to change our youth meetings from meeting in the church to meeting outside in the down town area of Grootfontein.  Well I wanted to give a quick update to how this is going.

When we started in May we had around 15 youth that were consistently coming each week.  Well this past week we had the most youth there since beginning this change.  We had 33 youth to show up this past Saturday afternoon.  Praise the Lord!  Many of these new people are thanks to our faithful youth who are passionate about Christ, and passionate about their friends knowing the amazing man named Jesus! 

Thanks to God ,another church in our area, and one of our supporters in New York we were able to get 100 Bibles to hand out to the youth that we are working with.  This past Saturday we were able to give out Bibles to all of the kids at the youth meeting, and to see there faces when they got to have their very own Bible was amazing. 

If you do not know about our "Taking it to the Streets Ministry", we basically have our weekly youth meeting outside in the town area.  We meet under a big tree that is in front of the Town Hall building.  Lots of people walk through this area on Saturday's and it is amazing to see the people that stops and listen to what we are talking about, but even more amazing to see our youth spot a friend walking by and go grab them and get them to sit and listen to our Bible study!  And that is what this ministry is all about.  Taking Jesus where the people are, and to the people that need his forgiveness from their sins!  I play my guitar and we have a time of praise and worship and follow it up by Bible study.

I am now taking the kids through the basics of systematic theology.  Helping them to learn how we got the Bible, who is this God the Bible talks about, and so much more.  Last week after talking for nearly an hour, when I finished one girl came up and asked me why we didn't the Bible study last longer, that one hour was not enough and she wanted more!  Praise the Lord for the desire He has placed on the hearts of these kids here!

Here are some pictures from this past weeks Bible study.

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