Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where have I been??

Well it has been quite a while since I have posted. Mainly because life has been way too busy to be writing on the blog. But now I have a little more time.

Most of you may know that I was laid off from my job last week. So that is why I have a little more free time. The job loss was quite a shock and I did not expect it at all. But I was able to allow God to use it as a witness to the HR and managers in the office during the lay off.

The funny thing about all of this is that I took three weeks off prior to last week and the entire three weeks that I was off I was praying that God would show me a way out of my current job so that we could focus more attention on raising the remainder of our monthly support needed to go to Africa. So God answered the prayer.

It is going to be really tight on our family, actually the budget puts us in the red by $580 a month, but we know that our God is much bigger than budgets, and lay offs and will provide for our family.

We certainly do appreciate your prayers for our family during this time.

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